Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564 vs Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548
Comparos.In brings you, comparison of
Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564
Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548
The price of
Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564
is 16,995
Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548
is 17,995.
Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564
is available NA, Analogue display NA watch
Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548
is available NA, Analogue display NA watch.
Apart from prices, you can also find detailed
comparisons of these watches based on operating system, case material,
band material, convenience features like colour, touch screen and warranty.
Comparisons between these watches have been carried out to help you make
the correct buying decision between
Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564
Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548
Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564 vs Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548 Comparison Overview
Key Highlights | Casio EDIFICE ECB-2000D-1ADF - ED564 | Casio Edifice EQS-940DC-1AVUDF - ED548 |
Brand | Casio | Casio |
Price | 16,995 | 17,995 |
Dial Shape | NA | NA |