Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G vs Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G
Comparos.In brings you, comparison of
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G
The price of
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G
is 114,000
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G
is 52,959.
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G
is available in 7.6 inch size, Ram 12 GB
and 4400 mAh Mobile
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G
is available in 6.7 inch size, Ram 8 GB
and 3700 mAh mobile. Apart from prices,
you can also find detailed comparisons of these Mobiles based on Refresh rate,
Front Camera, Rear Camera convenience features like processor, chipset and
warranty. Comparisons between these Mobiles have been carried out to help
you make the correct buying decision between
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G
Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G vs Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Comparison Overview
Key Highlights | Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 5G | Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G |
Brand | Samsung | Samsung |
Price | 114,000 | 52,959 |
Display Size | 7.6 inch | 6.7 inch |
Ram | 12 GB | 8 GB |
Battery | 4400 mAh | 3700 mAh |